More than a year ago, we made the conscious decision to add a greater level of interactivity to the online lessons in Ascend Math.  Ascend Math was already among the most interactive math intervention resources available.  We saw the opportunity to go further. The reasons are firmly based in research.

The Role of Interactivity in Web-Based Material  examined students divided into three groups experiencing the same web content with varying degrees of interactivity.  This study found those students working most interactively with a web program attained significantly higher pre to post test gains.  The students also reported a greater sense of satisfaction and spent nearly double the amount of time on task compared to the next highest group.

Educators and students using Ascend Math agree that increased interactivity aids learning.  In a recent survey, educators using Ascend Math had the following to say:

“They like the interactivity. The students are surprised when they see their name in the captions.”

“Students enjoy the interaction. The interactivity makes this program unique.”

“I think it helps them to remain focused on what objective is being taught”

The Ascend Math website includes several examples of our interactive student experience.  Please visit.

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