Belknap slideOnce an intervention program is in place, it can be tempting for schools to leave it in place if students are making at least some progress. But how much progress is enough? If an 8th-grade student began the year at the third-grade level, is it enough to advance that student one grade level by the end of the year? Can you expect a struggling student—one who has slid further behind each previous year—to suddenly begin to grow multiple grade levels in a single year? The answer is an unqualified YES. If a student’s specific skill gaps are accurately identified and addressed in sequence from the bottom up, that student will be armed with both the knowledge they need to make progress in math and a new confidence that they can in fact succeed. If students are instead faced with material that is misaligned, too difficult, or inadequately presented, they may not be as likely to invest in their own growth. If you do not expect students to make impressive gains, chances are they won’t.

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