student-experience-videoA recent article from KQED News reported the value of using videos to teach math concepts.  Here is quote from that article:

“Getting students excited and authentically curious about a math task takes more than presenting a word problem. Some teachers are finding that a short, high-interest video or other piece of media that raises questions in kids’ minds is the best way to prime them to dive deeply into problem solving.”

We agree, but in order for video lessons to be of high-interest to students and effective it needs to be done correctly. As the creators of more than 700 award winning instructional videos here are three rules we follow,

  1. Video lessons should be given only by master teachers, not amateurs or performers.
  2. Video lessons should provide the student with more than one way to understand the lesson.
  3. Video lessons should be hands on and interactive. Today’s students are used to getting immediate feedback from their video games.  They expect to take an active part.

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