Ascend Math provides advanced students with a customized individual study plan, lessons, and assistance that will allow them to move through objectives at a pace that appropriately challenges them.
- Computer adaptive assessment allows gifted and talented students to test out of content they already know.
- An individual learning path is prescribed. Students work only on the objectives they do not know, taking on new challenges in the proper sequence.
- Award-winning video instruction that combines conceptual and algorithmic understanding coupled with online explorations ensures proper understanding of each new objective.
- Students move through the award-winning online instruction at their own pace.
- Multi-modal explorations offer engaging hands on strategies for quickly grasping the objective.
- Students pass a post assessment before moving on to the next objective in their plan.
- Students can work from home, class, study hall or virtually any location using nearly any device including iPads.
- Students track their own progress.
- The student dashboard helps them manage their time by providing time worked yesterday, this week and the previous week.
- Students see the objectives they’ve learned with date completed and time spent on each.
- Each advanced student progresses quickly and efficiently at his or her own pace.
- Click to view Student Daily Workflow