crosbyState test results for Crosby Middle School in Crosby, TX rose substantially for seventh grade students using Ascend Math® last year. In fact, they saw a 0% to 38% improvement in the pass rate for students with a history of not passing the STAAR (Texas state assessment). Last year, Crosby Middle School educators set up a pilot program using Ascend Math for their struggling seventh grade math students.

Students who did not meet grade level previously were placed in a tier 3 math class. The first six weeks working with Ascend, 60% achieved one or more grade levels in math. Throughout the year, that percentage continued to improve.  Read more about Crosby’s math intervention results.

“We were seeing kids who were coming into the program that were performing at least in part at a third grade level,” said Todd Hicks, Principal at Crosby Middle School.  “They were growing two, three, and even four grade levels by the end” One of the biggest concerns was how these at-risk students would perform on end-of-the-year testing.

Overall, Crosby’s passing rates for seventh graders improved from 68% to 83%. This included the at-risk students working with Ascend Math and those outside of the program. Statewide, seventh graders improved passing rates from 67% to 72% according to TEA.

“The students that we originally picked for the pilot program had been unsuccessful on the Texas STAAR test for at least the past two years,” reports Principal Hicks. Overall, our Ascend Pilot classes had 38% of the students pass the seventh grade math STAAR this year.  We are very pleased with the scores”

Crosby Middle School is one of three recipients of the 2015 Ascend Math Gold Medal. The Gold Medal Award was established in 2010 to honor the schools or districts that best demonstrate a dedication to ensuring that all students become successful at math. A Gold Medal celebration will be held in Crosby Middle School’s honor at Estância Churrascaria in Austin, TX at 12:00 pm on Monday, October 26. Parties interested in attending should contact Renata Palms at Ascend Education 318-865-8232.

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