You know the students. They are the ones who are so close to doing well. They’re just missing a few math skills, but which ones? Ascend Math offers a proven, highly affordable option for getting these students back to level and beyond quickly. Starting students on Ascend now means improved state test results this year.
Why Ascend Math
- Adaptive assessment assures students are focused ONLY on what they don’t know.
- Promotes both conceptual and mathematical understanding.
- Students can use Ascend online in class, in lab, at home from nearly any device including all tablets.
- Allows students to grow beyond their current level improving further on end of year test results.
- Transferable student licenses mean you can help more students. Unlike other programs Ascend Math retains data on all students.
- Students follow the same sequence (instruction, multi-modal practice, post assessment) for each objective.
- Award winning online instruction first asks students to think through the problem conceptually before solving it mathematically.
- Students pause, rewind, and watch as many times as needed.
- Multi-modal online explorations provide an additional approach to understanding the objective and often address more than one area of CRA (concrete, representational/pictorial, and abstract).
- Students pass a post assessment before moving on to the next objective in their plan.
- Ascend Math is web based and fully functional on all tablets including iPad.
- Click to view Student Daily Workflow