ALA-CASE 2023 Spring Conference

ALA-CASE 2023 Spring Conference The annual spring conference of the Alabama Council of Administrators of Special Education

West Suburban Math Conference

Glenbard North High School Carol Stream, IL, United States

Join Ascend Math at theWest Suburban Math Conference on March 3, 2023.

WMC Annual Conference

Kayleigh Gray, Ascend Math Account Executive extraordinaire, will be attending and speaking at the Wisconsin Mathematics Council's Annual Conference. Join her on Thursday, May 4th, at 8am to learn about…

Arkansas ASCD Whole Child Summit

Bentonville High School

Join ERJ Associates and Ascend Math at the Arkansas ASCD Whole Child Summit June 12-13.

MEGA Conference

Join Ascend Math and Educational Materials Specialists for MEGA Conference July 11-15, 2022, in Mobile, Alabama! Hosted by the Alabama State Department of Education, this year’s conference will provide attendees…

74th Annual MCTM Conference

Martin Luther King Jr. Senior High School 3200 E. Lafayette Street, Detroit, MI

Join Ascend Math at the 74th Annual MCTM Conference in Detroit, MI! We look forward to seeing you there!      

Googlepalooza 2023

Ascend Math will be attending Googlepalooza! ITS hosts the CPS's largest technology-based professional development event, Googlepalooza. Led by CPS educators, Googlers, and vendors, these sessions are intended to partner skills…

Googlepalooza 2023

CPS Educators: Join account executive, Kayleigh Gray, and star educator from Irvin C. Mollison Elementary, Kelly Longmire-Crawford, at Chicago's Googlepalooza 2023.

2023 Conference for the Iowa Council of Teachers of Mathematics on October 14, 2023