Announcing the 2016 Gold Medal Honor Roll
2016 marked a year of the strongest overall implementations we have seen to date. Several Gold Medal Leaders were chosen. These are the Gold Medalists rated highest, the best of the best. Gold Medalists are listed in alphabetical order.
Allendale Association
Allendale is a day-treatment and residential facility for special education students. Students are enrolled in self-contained special education classrooms. They adopted Ascend Math to gain a significant impact on academic improvement as well as engagement. They have seen substantial improvement in their SMI Scholastic Math Inventory scores, and the Ascend data confirms this.
- Students averaged 21.6% gain in pre to post assessment scores.
- 56% gained one grade level
- 10% gained two to three grade levels.
Ballard-Hudson Middle School
Bibb County chose Ballard-Hudson to continue the success they saw last year in their FLP (flexible learning program) at Howard Middle School (2015 Gold Medal Leader). Bibb’s FLP is a blended learning model designed as direct instruction coupled (one on one or small groups no more than 10 students) with online learning for math.
- 86% of students gained one or more grade levels!
- 41% gained three grade levels.
- 18% gained four grade levels.
- Students completed an average of 20.9 objectives each (5 per week).
Desert Edge High School
Desert Edge High School serves a diverse population of students coming from 9 different middle schools. Incoming freshmen come to them with large discrepancies in their math education. They found that Ascend was the perfect fit of differentiation and structure to accelerate their acquisition of missed
- Students averaged 13 objectives (skill gaps filled) in Ascend.
- With a 21.77% gain pre to post assessment.
- Developed strategy using Ascend Math to encourage students to write about and understand math.
Fair Park High School
Math scores at Fair Park were scattered across the board with a significant number of ninth and tenth grade students scoring in the third and fourth grade ability level. Ascend Math was implemented to enhance student knowledge prior to entering an Algebra or Geometry class, fill gaps in their understanding, and improve performance on high stakes tests. They report the following:
- Students improving from the third grade to the seventh grade level in just 6 weeks.
- Students most at-risk increased their math score on the PLAN (pre ACT) Test from a 10.28 average last year to a 12.85 average this year.
- One student moved from a 4 on last year’s test to 15 on this year’s PLAN.
- “Another full year of Ascend Math would put most (if not all) of our students on grade level.” Theda Fielding
Glenbrook Middle School
Longmeadow, MA
2015 Gold Medal Leader
Ascend Math was chosen as a Tier 2, Response to Intervention to address the needs
of students who are not performing at grade level, not reaching proficiency on the state test
(MCAS) or not reaching the target score on the district mandated aimsweb MCOMP and
MCAP. Their results the past two years now have been impressive. As of May 1:
- 92% improved on the MCOMP (aimsweb) and 98% improved on the MCAP.
- 81% met their target score on the MCOMP.
- 75% met their target score already on MCAP.
Giddings Intermediate School
Giddings, TX
Educators at Giddings Intermediate chose Ascend Math for all of their Tier 3 Math students as well as students identified with a math learning disability. Their goal is to close the achievement gap and support students with specific IEP goals.
- 4th graders showed 14% growth on their school benchmark.
- 5th graders showed 22% growth on the school benchmark.
- Students use Ascend an average of 2 hours a week.
Hardeeville Ridgeland Middle
Hardeeville, SC
Special education students were significantly behind grade level. It was nearly impossible for the
special education teachers to teach multiple grade level objectives on top of the every
day struggles within the class. They turned to Ascend Math for assistance.
- All students made a 100 point gain or more on STAR District assessment.
- 58% gained one or more grade levels.
- Student confidence is at an all-time high.
Joseph Hess Elementary
Educators at Joseph Hess use Ascend Math in their RTI, remediation and enrichment programs. Their objective is to use technology to develop higher order thinking skills in mathematics and to emphasize the importance in the understanding of mathematics.
- Average student growth percentage is 52%.
- Special Ed students made a gain of 61.28%.
- Enrichment: 9 high ability students that have passed through 2 grade levels; 3 5th graders are now working at the 7th grade level.
Lakeside Christian School
Clearwater, FL
4-Time Nominee
Ascend provides Lakeside students with the opportunity for remediation, as well as the
opportunity for acceleration based on ability level. For four years, Lakeside students have made consistent improvement with the help of Ascend Math.
- 100% of 6th graders testing at level 5 increased at least one grade level.
- 64% are now working at a level above their actual grade!
- 68% of 7th graders completed at least one level and 27% completed at least two levels.
- Students completed 9,380 objectives.
Long Beach Elementary School
Montgomery, IL
Long Beach Elementary brought in Ascend Math as an intervention both during the school day as well as
an after school intervention program. Students participate four days a week during a “Power Half Hour”
Intervention block.
- Average gains of 44% (4th grade) to 92% (1st grade).
- 61% of elementary students gained one or more grade levels.
- Students averaged 29 objectives completed.
Mountain Ridge Junior High School
Highland, UT
2-Time Nominee
Students using Ascend Math at Mountain Ridge Junior High are at risk. Most are brought into the program because they are failing math. Incoming students to Mountain Ridge come from a number of different elementary schools and exhibit a wide variety of math experience.
- Students averaged 14 skills gaps filled.
- 66% of students are now passing ALL of their classes.
Oneida Elementary School
Oneida, TN
2-Time Nominee
Oneida started using Ascend Math as their Tier 2 math intervention last year. Their goal is to increase student performance and graduate students out of the Tier 2 program. Since they started with Ascend they report seeing consistent growth among students in the program and students request to stay in Ascend Math even if they have graduated from the Tier 2 program.
- Students are consistently graduating out of Tier 2 math.
- Currently 40% of students in the program have grown one or more grade levels.
- 7% of students have grown two grade levels or more.
Pike Delta York Middle School
Educators at Pike Delta York Middle School adopted Ascend Math after they heard how it helped a neighboring district to improve math scores on their state test. Their goal was ambitious: to bridge the gap of math skills for all students and get them to be academically at grade level.
- Students filled more than 19,000 skill gaps.
- 38% achieved one grade level growth.
- 27% achieved two grade levels growth.
- 13% achieved three to five grade levels.
Reserve Elementary (Reserve Independent)
Reserve, NM
Educators at Reserve adopted Ascend Math as a remediation program for students who were missing some Mathematical skills and needed to perform at their grade level. They aimed at seeing growth in math scores on their short cycle assessments and state mandated tests for at-risk students and those
with disabilities.
- 83% of at risk students gained at least one grade level.
- 24% gained two grade levels.
- 10% gained three to four grade levels.
Taylor County Elementary School
Taylor County Elementary makes use of Ascend math to provide an effective math intervention program for their lowest quartile students including their ESE (special education) students. Taylor County Elementary uses Discovery Education Assessment to track progress. Their mid-year assessment showed:
- 93% of 3rd graders increased scale scores.
- 91% of 4th graders increased their scale scores.
- 86% of 5th graders increased their scale scores.
- Ascend Data confirms overall: 53% of students gained one grade level with an additional 38% gaining two grade levels.
Williams Middle School
Longmeadow, Ma
2-Time Nominee
Educators at Williams Middle School use Ascend Math in a Tier 2 math lab setting for students performing below grade level and in need of assistance/practice with their math fundamentals. Their objectives are to raise MCAS scores and improve their MCOMP & MCAP (aimsweb) scores.
- 79% of students improved their score on MCAP (aimsweb) Test.
- 68% improved their score on MCOMP with 79% meeting their target.
- Students show a marked improvement in confidence and less math anxiety.
Worth County Elementary School
Worth County Elementary makes use of Ascend Math in a small group differentiated instruction block, as well as a pull-out to an Intervention Lab. The overall goal of the program is to bring as many students as possible up to grade level yielding positive results on the Georgia Milestones (state test).
- 61% of students gained one or more grade levels.
- 24% gained 2-4 grade levels.
- Students averaged 17.8 objectives completes (4 each week).