Intervention Success!

In just six weeks, tier 3 math intervention students at Crosby Middle School posted austounding gains.

In just half a year, 80-85% of math intervention students at Glenbrook Middle surpassed their target goal on MCAP and MCOMP probes. Lerarn More abou math intervention

Product News!
See how Ascend Math individualizes instruction for each and every student.  See how Ascend Math intensive math intervention meets each student at their lowest skill gap and guides each though an individualized study plan.

New Live Student Tracker is a real time report on individual student progress within an Ascend Math class.
Lerarn More abou math intervention

New Report
“Which Math Skills are Students Missing?” includes data from more than 18,000 U.S. students nationwide identified for math intervention. 
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Ascend Math Blog

  • 2016 Gold Medal Honors 17 Exceptional Schools

  • NY Times article discusses engagement and gamification

  • Celebrate Earth Day with these Fun Math Problems

  • Prepare for Earth Day with these math problems
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