32 Gold Medal Schools and Districts
This school year saw the largest and most impressive group of Gold Medal schools yet. From Corona, CA to the American School of Guatemala, from a classroom of 19 to 669 students each school's implementation is unique and yet all have achieved tremendous strides toward fulfilling their ambitious goals.
Gold Medal Quick Facts
- Schools 32
- Students 2,662
- Total Objectives 95,454
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Gold Medalists are listed in alphabetical order. All data shared is through mid-April. Greater improvement is expected from all Gold Medal schools.
Download the 2016 - 2017 Gold Medal Success Flyer
Allendale School
Educators at Allendale assign Ascend Math to any K-6 student who failed a math class for any grading period or who scored below grade level on formal assessments. Students in 6th grade or lower are expected to maintain grade level math or increase their level by a minimum of 50 quantile points when completing formal assessments.
With Ascend Math teachers were able to give students a direct route to improve their math performance by combining continuous assessment, targeted instruction, prescriptive tutorials, and progress monitoring tools.
American School of Guatemala
The American School of Guatemala adopted Ascend Math for a specific group of students that had a bad experience in high school, have low math skills, and are behind in curriculum. You will find their school on our leaderboard for total objectives, objectives per students, and level completion!
Many of our students have improved their basic math skills using Ascend personalized plans. They have been using the platform for approximately five hours every two weeks. Our ESL students have been practicing their English as well, since they receive math in Spanish. This is an awesome preparation for SAT.
Atlantis Academy Palm Beaches
Atlantis Academy adopted Ascend Math as an intervention program/learning tool for their special needs students.
We have seen an average gain from the pre to the post assessment of 37% this year (from September 2016 to January 2017) – these results are from our school progress report on Ascend. Grades K-8 all scored 88% or above on the post assessment compared to an average of 54% on the pretest. This is tremendous as we are a special education school.
Ballard-Hudson Middle School
Ascend Math is implemented as a study skills intervention during the school day with students identified as most at-risk. During each class period, one teacher provides a blended learning model of instruction to ten students per class period. Ballard-Hudson was a Gold Medal leader last year. This year, they again appear near the top of the leaderboards.
At the beginning of the 2016-17 school year, 58% of the students tested four or more grade levels below. However, the mid-year benchmark revealed that only 16% of the students were remaining in this category. In addition, after taking the Ascend Math pretest, no students tested above grade level, but by the mid-year benchmark 18% of the students tested above grade level.
Caesar Chavez Academy
In February, Caesar Chavez Academy was named the Ascend Math Partner School of the Year. At that time, their students had mastered 1731 objectives in Ascend Math for an average of more than 41 objectives per student. What’s more, 46% achieved one grade level and an additional 5% achieved two grade levels. Since that time, they have continued to improve as you can see from the Leaderboards. They are the only Gold Medal school to rank in the top ten for Level Completion, Total Objectives and Objectives per student.
Cecil County Schools
When Cecil County administrators started with the Ascend program, they were simply looking for intervention for struggling middle school students. At that time, they did not have any intervention program. Since that time, they have found more uses for Ascend Math. Here are a few of the standout implementations:
- Rising Sun Middle School where 31% of intervention students have gained at least one grade level.
- Bohemia Manor High School where Ascend Math is used for algebra readiness and to fill missing skill gaps. Students averaged 26 objectives (skill gaps) mastered and 35% gained one or more grade levels.
Cedars International Academy
Cedars Academy adopted Ascend Math to increase overall math proficiency and improve results on their state scores.
We have disaggregated our data during benchmarks and other formal assessments and have noticed an increase in overall student performance and math proficiency. The students and staff LOVE Ascend Math. Educators MUST MAKE THE TIME to use Ascend Math to see progress.
Crosby Middle School
For their Ascend Math program, educators at Crosby selected 6th and 7th grade students that have previously not been successful on multiple math state assessments. Crosby Middle School is a previous Gold Medal Winner.
Through frequent progress monitoring we have determined that 24 out the 92 students have moved two or more levels within the first six months use of the program. Additionally, 4 out of the 92 have moved an astounding four levels within the same time frame.
Discovery Middle School
Discovery places students into Ascend Math when they have been identified as needing RTI intervention. Students work on the program twice a week at school for a total of 2 hours weekly. They also implement the license with students that have an individualized education plan with learning disabilities in the area of Math.
Ascend's impact on student achievement has been wonderful. Students are seeing an improvement of at least one grade level or higher after a semester on the license with 100% fidelity each week … The trend has been that most students have improved three or more grade levels by the time they spend 30 hours on an Ascend license.
Emmet Belknap Intermediate
To measure progress and outcomes educators at Emmet Belknap look at Ascend Math results as well as, aimsweb plus progress monitoring data, STAR Benchmark data, report card grades, and State Assessment test scores. They are a former Gold Medal Winner.
Ascend students' rate of improvement is about 50% (1.5 times) greater than the national average student rate of improvement (based on STAR and Aimsweb). Historically, our Tier 3 (Ascend) students ROI was 2/3 that of the average student. This means that by using Ascend their ROI is 2.5 times better than before.
Falmouth Middle School
Falmouth Middle School adopted Ascend Math for use with their Tier 3 RTI Math students.
We have also seen an improvement on NWEA scores for the students who use Ascend Math consistently. One student improved from the 32% last year to the 51% this year. Another student improved from the 34% to the 47%.
Fountain Lake High School
Ascend Math is used primarily in the secondary special education class. Students work daily on their individualized plans. These SPED students made impressive progress this year completing an average of 31 objectives each.
As educators, our biggest challenge has been finding materials that are engaging and challenging for the secondary learner…The students respond favorably to the program and we observe high levels of engagement with the videos and supplemental materials …Based on the class progress reports from Ascend, we have seen significant growth in student achievement.
Frank O’Bannon Elementary School
Students at Frank O’Bannon rank among the top for average objectives completed and levels completed.
We are using all of our Ascend licenses for our High Ability Math students in first through fifth grade. We offer two lab times, one before school and one the last half hour of the day to provide Ascend students with additional opportunities to work on the program. Ascend students meeting the weekly goal of completing 90 minutes and passing at least 3 post objectives, receive recognition during morning announcements.
Gadsden ISD Special Education
Gadsden implemented Ascend Math in November 2016 for their SPED students in grades K-12 and a core group of around 10 teachers.
The core group consisted of around 115 students. 39% of these students have completed one or more levels in Ascend Math. This is more than a year's growth in less than one school year. We are very excited about this growth because expected growth for a Tier III student is 1/2 year in one year. An elementary SPED class (Marquez) has all students working above grade level. Yes, above grade level! The students closed the gaps below grade level, at grade level and are now working ahead!
Garden Oaks Montessori Magnet
Teachers at Garden Oaks adopted Ascend Math to address their concern over skill gaps in some of their students. Garden Oaks is a first time Gold Medal school.
Teachers review assessments reports and tailor learning strategies to ensure the students close instructional objective gaps .The program gives the student the opportunity to learn the objectives.
Guilford High School
Linda Houde requested Ascend Math when she was assigned to teach math to 8 special education students who needed individualized instruction. Her objective was to see each student progress through at least one level this year.
The students are very motivated to do well. They love passing the post-tests and sharing their successes. Each one of them has achieved at least one level of progress and most have achieved more than that this school year. I know that at the start of next school year, they may have to repeat units but the repetition will be good for mastery of the material they have forgotten over the summer or needed support with this year.
Holabird Middle School
During the 2016-2017 school year, Holabird educators pulled out students from specials where they worked on Ascend in a small group setting. Holabird was a 2014 Gold Medal winning school!
At this time, 87% of the students that consistently use the Ascend math program have completed at least 1 level so far this school year. Several students have already completed their 2nd level. The other 13% will complete their level within the next couple weeks. I also expect many students to complete their 2nd level by the end of the school year.
Lakeside Christian School
Five Time Gold Medal School! Lakeside Christian students completed the highest average number of objectives of any Gold Medal school this year! Ascend is used for all second, third, fourth, and fifth grade students, 30 minutes per session, four days weekly. Their Ascend program provides sixth through eighth grade students with the opportunity for remediation and also acceleration based on ability level.
Lakeside educators report
- In 2nd grade, 100% of the class is working at or above grade level.
- In 5th Grade, 55% of the class gained at least 1 level and 32% gained 2 or more levels.
- 6th Grade: 95% of students improved their level in Ascend. 22% of students are now working at a level above their actual grade!
- 7th Grade: 96% of students improved their level in Ascend. 36% of students improved beyond their actual grade!
- 8th Grade: 44% of students improved their level.
Manhattan Adult Learning Center
Manhatten is a small adult learning program with about 200 students. Of those, approximately 75 are seeking diploma/GED completion. They began use of Ascend Math this year with 16 students. They report that these students made enough gains to move into grade level courses for diploma completion or to subsequent educational functional levels working towards GED completion.
Instead of offering as a supplemental, Ascend will be the core tier 2 curriculum in dedicated math tier 2 classes next year for all programs, including ESL for the first time.
McKibben-Lane Elementary School
McKibben Lane Elementary is a focused school working with the students most at risk in a blended learning environment. Last year, Bibb County Schools was named a Gold Medal District.
Ascend Math has an inspirational impact on the McKibben Lane ES Title I FLP Program. With a 1:10 teacher/student ratio, this blended learning model supported math achievement through direct (whole and small group, individual) instruction and online learning. To date (4.18.17), 505 objectives are mastered. At the rate the students are moving, we can double this in one month. I am expecting great gains on the Georgia Milestones Assessment in Math, and I can report that data in one more week (I hope).
Mercer School
Although they are a high achieving school system, Mercer educators saw too many students falling through the cracks. They chose Ascend Math to help students with missed or weak objectives in addition to an extra tool for RTI and Special Education. Mercer appears on all three leaderboards: total objectives, objectives per student and level completion.
While I am sure that Ascend Math has improved our student test scores and confidence across the board, I am not sure that we fully know the impact on student achievement at this time. A program of this magnitude will continue to have impact for years down the road.
Mesilla Valley Leadership Academy
Mesilla Valley students use Ascend Math weekly to support the school’s RTI and acceleration model for
multiage multigrade classrooms.
Ascend Math has enabled our teachers and students to work in tandem to support math success. Students have been able to work to fill gaps and accelerate their learning beyond the traditional math instruction. Watching our student scores increase and their overall knowledge base of mathematical concepts within the regular math classes has demonstrated that Ascend Math is right on target.
Northeast High School
Ascend Math is implemented as a study skills intervention during the school day with their most at-risk students. During each class period, one teacher provides a blended learning model of instruction to fifteen students per class period. Northeast High School appears near the top of the leaderboard in all categories.
This is the third year of implementation of Ascend Math in the Flexible Learning Program (FLP). Every year, new students entered FLP. At the beginning of the 2016-17 school year, 71% of the students tested four or more grade levels below. However, the mid-year benchmark revealed that only 40% of the students were remaining in this category.
Oneida Elementary School
Educators at Oneida had a large number of students below the 20th percentile on benchmark testing.
They implemented Ascend Math beginning two years ago. They report that they began to see improvement after only a couple of weeks.
Since implementing Ascend Math as our Tier II intervention, teachers have reported that they are seeing consistent growth among the students in the program. Students often request to stay in the program even if they have graduated out. Since adopting Ascend Math as our Tier II intervention, our test scores have increased resulting in smaller amounts of students needing to be in an intervention for math.
Pike-Delta-York Middle School
Pike-Delta-York uses multiple implementation objectives for Ascend including intervention, enhancement and the RTI process in their Special Education Program. The most critical reason they implement is to improve scores on Ohio’s State Test. Delta Pike York was a 2016 Gold Medal Winner!
Ascend has a tremendous impact on the students’ achievement at Delta Middle School! Many students are closing the gap in their math skills. The evidence for our students increasing grade levels throughout the year is incredible. 78% of our students have improved 1 or more levels. 29% of our students have improved 2 or more levels.
Pinedale Middle School
Pinedale educators adopted Ascend math to increase growth among their at-risk/equity math students. With the early success this year, they expanded their program to their advanced students to help them grow and learn beyond their grade-level curriculum
Out of 43 at-risk students, the average grade level growth is 2.06, with 19 students growing 2 levels and 12 students growing 3 levels. We even have one student growing 4 levels! An additional data piece shows our 6th grade Ascend students making great gains, averaging over 2 points more growth than non-Ascend 6th grade students on the Winter Math MAP compared from the Fall.
San Jose Middle School
San Jose Middle School adopted Ascend Math to assist with student gaps in their mathematical understanding. Students averaged more than 50 objectives completed in Ascend Math and 79% gained one or more grade levels in Ascend this year!
We are implementing Ascend Math in our two intervention classes this year, 7th and 8th grade. 7th grade objective test scores average 90%, with the majority of students raising their grades in their math content classes.
Shattuck Middle School
This program is being used primarily for a team of students that are reluctant learners or at-risk.
As of 4/10/17 the Velocity students have completed 3,145 objectives between passing the pre or post assessment. As of 3/11/17 the Velocity average gain was 32.01%. The starting average was 59.31% and the ending average was 91.32%. All students are now at level 4 or above. Additionally last year 3rd quarter the same population of students had 33% D's or F's in their math class and now only 4% have D's or F's.
Swanton Middle School
Swanton teachers adopted Ascend Math to help students become independent learners and for them to get instruction at their math ability level. Teachers use their Ascend Math data to write and implement their Student Learning Objectives (SLO). All students are required to complete three post assessments per week. If they exceed expectations and complete five or more post assessments per week they are entered into a weekly prize drawing.
We have been using Ascend Math since 2012 at Swanton Middle School. Our state test scores have increased over the years we have been using Ascend. In fact, we have been awarded as a High Progress School of Honor from the State of Ohio multiple times since we have started using Ascend Math.
Sweeny Junior High
Educators at Sweeny adopted Ascend for their students who did not pass the STAAR (state test) the previous year. These students utilized the Ascend program 3 times per week and worked
at the current level the other 2 days.
We are hoping filling gaps with the Ascend program will help raise STAAR scores and get students where they need to be to move forward. (We are) reaching to have the highest STAAR scores in the county.
Utterback School
Utterback School did not have a math intervention in place to help struggling math students. They chose Ascend math because it stresses the importance of meeting every student “where they are.”
The results show a pretest score of 71.08% and a post test score of 91.57%. A gain of 20.49%! Students have a new found excitement for math and can't wait to get on Ascend! It has boosted their self esteem
while gaining grade levels in math in a matter of months.
West Jordan Middle School
West Jordan Middle School has used Ascend Math for their SPED students for 7 years. This year they decided to expand the program to address the needs of students with significant deficiency in Mathematics.
Some of our 7th-9th grade [SPED] students begin Ascend with 1st grade knowledge and show up to 61.8% gain in score. The average student starts on Level 3 of Ascend Math and finishes the school year two or more levels higher. The Average Objective Test Score is 90%+ for our group of students.